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Why Travel the World?

There are so many reasons to travel the world. My own personal experiences has opened my eyes to new cultures and languages. I’ve met a lot of interesting people along the way. I’ve gained a new perspective on life from the experiences I’ve had traveling the world. For years I watched travel vlogs on YouTube and Rick Steves on PBS, now its my turn to actually experience these amazing places I’ve seen on screen for myself. If you’re reluctant to take the plunge and start traveling, here are my 10 reasons to travel the world.

1. You’ll Meet New People

I’ve met some amazing people while traveling. Meeting new people will add so much value to your travel experiences. You might even find out you have more in common than you initially thought.

2. You Get to Learn About Different Cultures

I didn’t know much about Swedish culture before I visited last year. But thankfully I arrived right in the middle of one of their spring festivals, giving me first hand experience of what the Swedes traditionally wore, ate and dressed like many years ago.

3. You’re Able to Learn a New Language

I’m all about embracing every country I visit. And one of the best ways to embrace a new country is by familiarizing yourself with the language. Don’t hesitate to learn the basic greetings as well as how to ask for directions or order food. If you can attend a meet-up with locals and other travelers, this is a great way to meet new people and learn more about the countries language.

4. You Can Increase Your Personal Growth

I’ve always known I had a purpose in this world, but travel has expanded that notion to another level. What better way to grow personally and professionally than to see the world and gain new perspectives on ideas and topics that are beneficial to my community and the world around me.

5. It’s Great for Your Health

Travel is not only beneficial to your physical health, but your mental health as well. If all goes well at times, many travel experiences can also be  stress-relieving. Being a working wife and mother I need a break every few months to travel and experience new places. These experiences help me to stay centered and content.

6. You Can Build Your Self-Confidence

What better way to build self-confidence than to learn more about yourself and your place in the world. Reflecting on my past year of travel I can say I’m a lot more self-confident and outspoken than I was before.

7. Experience Food Different Than What You’re Used To

Food, food, food! What more can I say. I’ve eaten fermented Icelandic Shark and traditional Spanish tapas. These are expediences I’ll never forget. Travel forces you to try new things and what better place to start than while you’re on the road seeing the world.

8. You’ll be Challenged

Travel will challenge you for sure. You’ll gain patience you never even knew you had. You’re ability to communicate with others will surprise you, but these are the things that bring about personal growth.

9. It Will be Your Greatest Teacher

I’ve learned so much from traveling. It has provided me with a great way to introduce my children to the world. Travel is a great way to gain hands-on experience in culture, economics, architecture, history, language and communications. You’ll learn many things you were never taught in school, but the knowledge you gain will last forever.

10. You’ll Have Many Interesting Stories to Tell

Travel gives us the opportunity to become writers and story-tellers. I started my blog because of my travel expediencies and it has been very fulfilling sharing my travel tips and reviews with everyone on this platform.

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  1. I really agree with all of your reasons. I think the one that resonated with me the most was that travel will challenge us. It really does, and in ways that we can’t really prepare for. We can’t really understand how big the world is until we’re in an unfamiliar place and can’t speak the language or even cross the street without risking our life!

  2. These are all great reasons to travel the word – and definitely reasons why I love to travel as well! It’s definitely taught me so much as well as opened up my eyes to so many things. Great post!

  3. So true! Absolutely agree with each reason..though travel is such an amazing experience that you really need no reasons at all!! I love meeting people though =)

  4. Yes I agree with all. Traveling the world has been life changing. It opens you up to a new way of thinking as well. We Americans are too westernized. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I think the first time you experience life outside the U.S. is an eye-opening experience. For me it seemed like we were behind on a lot of things when I went to Finland last year.

  5. Food is my favourite part. You get experience so many varieties and variations. And yes, so many new stories to tell too. Travelling has helped me a lot in growing my personality too.

  6. Completely agree with all of the above! Being a teacher, I have even thought that it should be mandatory requirement for students. lol

  7. These are all reasons why I am constantly on the move and I teach my kids that discovering new things is amazing… I love my expat life and could never stay in one place too long!

  8. Yeah, being challenged is great and all but…I’m so much more excited about the food. That paella in your photo looks amazing.

  9. So. Many. Reasons.
    I particularly enjoy meeting local people who welcome you in to their life and show you a different side to their country. We’ve been lucky enough to encounter a few of the, – long may it continue!

    1. Yes, connecting with locals is always a great experience. My husband woke up early every morning to walk around Alcudia when we were there back in May. He met some very interesting people and had some great conversations.

  10. I think travelling also helps us to let go of expectations and assumptions. Not every place is like my home country and travel is a great reminder of that.

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