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Traveling with Natural Hair: The Do’s and Don’ts! 

My top 5 Must Do’s for traveling with natural hair include:

  1. Purchase travel size products, if these are not available get empty travel sized bottled from Walmart or Target and fill them up.
  2. Remember to bring that silk scarf/bonnet, you don’t want your hair to break off while your on vacation.
  3. Bring your favorite conditioner or leave-in.
  4. Purchase appropriate storage containers for your products.
  5. Bring a travel sized  bottle of tea tree oil, coconut oil or your favorite oil for scalp treatment and/or sealing your ends.

Image result for natural hair travel kit

This awesome macadamia oil is a miracle worker, but I won’t lie it can be a bit pricey. I’ve used the smallest bottle here on trips before and it was able to last me a week.

My top 5 Must Don’ts for traveling with natural hair include:

  1. Forgetting to accessorize.
  2. Leaving without your bobby pins.
  3. Sleeping without a silk/satin scarf or bonnet.
  4. Using a towel (Always a no no!)
  5. Being a product junkie. (They wont let you on the plane with that jar of Eco Styling Gel)


Protective Styling with Style!



Thought I was seeing a pattern here with my favorite pose!



I’ve been natural for a few years now, so I “think” I know what works for me and what doesn’t, right.

Ha! We all know hair is unpredictable. What I can say is, I’ve tried a lot of different styles when I travel, but my favorite is just a twist out or tying a scarf on with a bun. Don’t get me wrong wasn’t always this confident in my hair. I always used to have a master plan when I traveled, step 1-get some braids, step 2-get some braids and step 3-get some braids. I used to think it would be a chore to do my hair while on vacation or traveling in general. But I’ve learned to embrace these curls and coils, and rock my natural hair whether I’m home or on the go.

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