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Winter Travel with Kids:

I love traveling solo and with friends, but nothing fills me with more joy than traveling with my kids. They have been my favorite travel partners for years. We’ve had roads trips, we’ve flown to Europe and there is something that fills me with pride knowing they get to see the world and learn about it with me. I love to travel with them most during winter. There is something about leaving home and taking a short break that helps us to come back refreshed and rested as a family. There are so many reasons why winter travel with the kids is a good idea, keep reading for my three big reasons why the Caribbean is a good choice.

The Weather:

Winter break is a great time to take your children on vacation to warmer climates. What could be better than leaving the winter cold and snow for a warm weather vacation. Booking a trip to the Caribbean during winter break could be the thing you need as a family to help you get through the holidays. I find the weather in the Caribbean is not only warm and comfortable during winter, but the bugs are not as abundant as they usually are in summer. Don’t hesitate to layer up for your flight and strip down to thinner pieces once you get to the Caribbean.

The Cost:

Travel with kids can be expensive. You can go from spending $20 to $100 in the matter of hours. When you travel to the Caribbean your dollar will go farther. One of the most expensive things when you travel anywhere in the world has to be staying fed. One of our favorite places to eat when we visited Antigua has to be Big Banana not only is the food good, with great portions but it is budget-friendly when you are traveling with kids. There were lots of local places to eat as you drive the island as well. Take the opportunity to eat at local food stalls on the side of the road. Not only will you find amazingly delicious food but it will not break the bank.


Even though winter is high season for cruising in the Caribbean, if you book early enough you can find budget-friendly accommodations for you and your family. Booking the right accommodations can make or break your trip. If you want to be walking distance to the beach, don’t book a hotel or homestay in-land. You want to book accommodations that will meet your needs as a family, including a place that is child-friendly. Want to learn more about having a good time when you visit Antigua click HERE.

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